voluntary adj. 1.自愿的,自发的,自动的 (opp. compulsory ); 志愿的。 2.靠自愿捐助的。 3.故意的,有意的。 4.【生理】随意的。 5.【法律】无偿的;自愿的。 a voluntary confession 自动供认。 a voluntary army 志愿[义勇]军。 voluntary murder 蓄意谋杀。 voluntary conveyance 无偿让与。 a voluntary grantee 无偿受让人。 a voluntary escape (得监视人同意的)同意逃走。 n. 1.自愿捐助者;自动行为;自愿地做的工作。 2.【音乐】(教堂礼拜仪式中的)风琴独奏;即兴演奏,自选节目。
attention n. 1.注意,注目;留心,专心;注意力。 2.【军事】立正。 3.〔pl.〕 殷勤,厚待。 4.关照,礼貌。 He was all attention. 他十分专心。 attention to a stranger 对一个陌生人的礼貌。 A- please! 请注意。 Your application will have attention. 你的申请会得到考虑。 arrest [attract] sb.'s attention惹起某人注意。 Attention! (略 'shun [n;n])立正!〔口令〕。 call away the attention 转移开注意。 call sb.'s attention to 促使某人注意。 come to attention【军事】(采取)立正(姿势)。 devote one's attention to 热中于,专心于。 fix one's attention on 留意。 pay sb. attentions 殷勤招待某人。 pay one's attentions to 1. 注意。 2. (对女人)献殷勤。 stand at attention = come to attention. turn one's attention to 注意。 with attention注意,郑重。 adj. -al
Under the exam - oriented education situation , students are burdened with the enormous pressure that comes from teachers , parents , society , and even from students " own thinking of future and so on . in the classroom instruction , the student ' s voluntary attention has always been strengthened and has reached the stage that ca n ' t be added to , in that case , it is not potential to use voluntary attention psychology to raise the classroom instruction efficiency of chinese 在应试学习形势下,学生承受着来自教师、家长、社会,乃至学生自身对前途的思考等方面的重重压力,在课堂教学中,学生的有意注意已经被强化到了无可附加的地步,运用有意注意心理提高语文的课堂效率,没有更大潜力可挖了。
To use involuntary attention to improve students " study interest , shorten the emotion distance between teachers and students , develop humane advantage of spirit , make students take delight in what they are doing , applying involuntary attention to each link of teaching activities , and with intention to combine the voluntary attention effectively , make voluntary attention leading to the road to a sustainable development 通过运用无意注意心理去提高学生的语文学习兴趣,缩短师生之间的情感距离,发扬语文学科的人文优势,归还给学生人本的乐趣,把无意注意运用于教学活动的各个环节中,并有意识地与有意注意相结合,使语文课堂教学效率走上一条可持续发展的良性轨道。